New Mexico Secretary of State Says Free New Mexico Party and Kennedy Petitions Have Enough Valid Signatures

The New Mexico Secretary of State’s office says the Free New Mexico Party petition, and the Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. petition, have enough valid signatures.  The independent petition for Cornel West did not have enough signatures.

The Free New Mexico Party is the affiliate of the national Libertarian Party in New Mexico, and it is running Chase Oliver for president..

The ballot-qualified Libertarian Party of New Mexico still hasn’t chosen its presidential nominee.  The Green Party is also on the ballot and will nominate Jill Stein.


New Mexico Secretary of State Says Free New Mexico Party and Kennedy Petitions Have Enough Valid Signatures — 20 Comments

  1. Shame about Cornel West – I don’t support his campaign, but I think he should be an option everywhere – but glad that both Oliver and RFK Jr. are options to those in New Mexico.

  2. Regardless of your views on Oliver, the fact remains that it’s a positive thing that people in New Mexico have the option to consider him.

    No matter whether it’s a candidate you agree with or not, allowing them as an option is crucial for any democratic society.

    I’d never vote for Michael Wood (Prohibition), or Peter Sonski (American Solidarity), or Tom Hoefling (independent), or Randall Terry (Constitution), or Rachele Fruit (Socialist Workers Party), but I think all of them should be on every ballot. I may not agree with their views, but I agree with people’s rights to vote for the candidate of their choice.

  3. Communist child abuse supporters like Chase Oliver should be banned from all ballots.

  4. You’re welcome to anti-democratic views, but it seems odd that you’d be posting on a ballot access website, so it’s quite hard to take you seriously. Just my opinion, of course.

  5. It’s hard to believe a retard like Mahoney knows how to type.

    Do you support child abuse too like Chase Oliver does?

  6. Trolls like you make this great site a hell hole. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. This site is one of the best places for ballot access information, and yet I don’t recommend it without telling people that the comment section is largely a wasteland. It’s a damn shame.

    I don’t support child abuse, nor does Chase Oliver (or at least I’ve seen zero evidence that he does). However, it’s clear to me that you’re not asking in good faith, so this is a wasted conversation.

  7. Chase Oliver does support child abuse. Read his platform. You are too big of a fucking retard to do so.

  8. Why can this site not block these piece of shit trolls? Who wants to use a site when you’re just going to be called slurs by idiots who have no goddamn clue about anything, and accuse anyone to the left of Hitler of being a communist? This site is garbage, no one should ever use it until there is moderation for bullshit like this.

  9. Anyone to the left of Hitler *is* a communist. Who are you to tell other people who’s an idiot, what’s a slur, or who should be allowed to speak, much less what they should be allowed to say, you hypocritical troll?

    You sound like Hitler or a communist when you try to make decisions for everyone else. You can choose to what extent you participate if any, or who to interact with and how.

    It’s independence day, but you sound like a whiny turd who can’t just scroll past insults and want to shut down other people’s views and ways of expressing them.

  10. Hitler is far left, moron. Why is it anyone’s problem but yours that you can’t handle freedom like an adult? Don’t infantilize others because of your personal problems, dictatorial tendencies and command and control views.

    Obviously other people can handle it and enjoy the interaction. You just want to take away other people’s fun and freedom like the commie that you are. Gross.

  11. I’m glad Chase made it on the ballot. Sucks for Dr. West, though I wish he became Dr. Stein’s VP instead (I wonder who she will pick)

  12. Why would he be her vp? He’d probably have had their presidential nomination if he wanted it. He did not. She only ran because he abandoned those plans in favor of running independent.

  13. Comrade Mahoney,

    Where capitalists offer freedom of speech, there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of it. Any site is healthier when it encourages opposition to its premise and majority opinion. Unlike voting, hearing different views expressed here doesn’t have the potential consequences of making Trump dictator or anything like that. Which is also why you’re wrong about what is and isn’t an anti democratcy opinion.

  14. Comrade retard,

    Allowing parents to make decisions about letting their kids transition is not child abuse. Many trans kids commit suicide due to not being allowed to transition. Parents should be allowed to make those decisions.

  15. Comrade banned,

    If you want to make decisions about what is or isn’t a slur, and who is or isn’t a POS, troll, clueless, idiot, etc, you should start your own site. Just because someone runs a news site doesn’t mean they’re obligated to play playground monitor.

    And please don’t tell me what sites I should use. You can make those decisions for yourself, any underage persons or incapacitated adults in your care, and anyone who subjects themselves to your decision making. I didn’t, and would rather not.

    I find sites with little or no moderation more fun and interesting. YMMV. I read many news sites without reading comments. What prevents you from doing the same?

  16. Comrade foad / duh,

    Hitler was far right, just like the libertarians. Duh!

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