Libertarian Party National Secretary Files Paperwork with Colorado Secretary of State to List Chase Oliver as the Presidential Nominee

News stories from July 6 have reported that the officers of the Colorado Libertarian Party had nominated Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., for president. However, the only paperwork submitted to the Colorado Secretary of State regarding the party’s presidential ticket was filed on July 8 by the national Secretary of the Libertarian Party, and that paperwork says Chase Oliver is the party’s presidential nominee. Thanks to ThirdPartyWatch for this news.

UPDATE: Independent Political Report has more detail.


Libertarian Party National Secretary Files Paperwork with Colorado Secretary of State to List Chase Oliver as the Presidential Nominee — 30 Comments


    “However, Kennedy likely did not need the support of the Libertarian Party of Colorado, as information publicly shared by volunteers indicate his campaign collected enough signatures to meet state requirements shortly after the Colorado party initially announced their support. The campaign has until Thursday to file the collected signatures”

  2. It’s nothing for RFK to worry about, IF he files his the collected signatures on by Thursday AND IF the SoS doesn’t pull some BS trying to throw those signatures out because they were collected before he accepted the LPCO nomination.

    It is however something for the Colorado and National LPs in particular and all other state LPs in general to worry about. If the SoS accepts this bizarre argument attempting to seize power away from state affiliates and give it to the national party, then the LPCO should disaffiliate immediately to retain its own ballot access line and make its own nominations. And so should all other state affiliates. That would spell the end of the national party, but they would deserve it. Because nothing says libertarian quite like nationalization and centralization.

    As for CAH’s twitter gloating: “LOLOLOL dumbasses. […] My fucking god both the Kennedy team and @lpco were amatuers here […] If Chase is not on the ballot, I did everything I could, but it sure as fuck won’t be Kennedy. Whored yourselves out for nothing!”
    Recall that she considers herself not only some kind of libertarian, but also some kind of Christian. Yet she is blaspheming and whoring herself out for an anti-libertarian and anti-Christian candidate who supports satanic child abuse and medical fascism, for no better reason than that he was illegitimately elected in the fraudulent final two rounds of voting at a national convention fraught with irregularities and transgressions… A national convention, she happens to have been overseeing as secretary… Hmmm 🤔

  3. Ahh, Nuña’s smoking some good crack there.

    I presume LP National can disaffiliate a state party if push comes to shove, as the Green Party did with Alaska.

    The argument’s not bizarre at all, but the claim that it is, certainly is.



  5. “It’s nothing for RFK to worry about, IF he files his the collected signatures on by Thursday AND IF the SoS doesn’t pull some BS trying to throw those signatures out because they were collected before he accepted the LPCO nomination.”

    He collected signatures to be on as an independent. What would that have to do with accepting a state party’s nomination, especially if that party actually puts someone else on the ballot?

  6. The true candidates in November, in each state, are the candidates for presidential elector. There is no threat to RFK’s independent petition in Colorado no matter what he did politically. His candidates for presidential elector in Colorado had nothing to do with the Colorado Libertarian Party. They are all registered independents.

  7. @Q
    Naturally it shouldn’t. But Jena Griswold (Colorado’s SoS) has made herself a name for trying on all sorts of different tricks to illegally remove candidates (including traitor Trump) from ballot.
    So I am half-expecting that she will invent some excuse on the spot in order to deny RFK ballot access. For example, because he would only have until Thursday to redo his petitioning, I wouldn’t put it past her to try invalidate all signatures for Kennedy’s independent campaign that were collected before his accepting LPCO nomination.
    RFK would then have to take it to court, and because the Colorado courts have shown themselves time and time again to be completely in bed with Griswold, he would have to appeal all the way up to the Supreme Court to get put back on the ballot. His campaign has better things to spend its time and energy on during the election season.

  8. Comrade Nuna,

    That sounds like a longshot, but I’ll run it past the legal team. We’ll use any excuse, regardless how flimsy, to keep brainwormspermperson off the ballot in as many states as possible, or, failing that, tie up his campaign resources in lawsuits and red tape.

    Thanks for the suggestion, and keep up the good work! More ideas always welcome 🙂

  9. Dos Santos/Harlos should be immediately removed from her position. She is a Sarwark puppet.

  10. Love, love, love Jena! My girl is so awesome! Womb power!

  11. Comrade Me,

    I bet it’s not as good as the crack we got on tour! I’ve been smoking crack all my life, and, um, this crack is the bomb, LOL! The meth is hella good too! All the drugs are top notch, y’all! Come find out for yourselves!

    We’re wrapping up NYC, heading to Milwaukee! Y’all cum play!

  12. Interesting. Does anyone know if the Constitution Party is/has considered doing the same in states (NV, UT, any others?) which are placing Joel Skousen on the ballot instead of convention-nominated Randall Terry? Derrell Castle and Jim Clymer are attorneys, so they should be able to figure this out.

  13. “TERRY: If he ends up being the guy in Utah, we’ll just come out and get our thousand signatures. Utah is really easy because of (the successful lawsuit threats by) RFK. Junior.”

    What happened? I thought Richard Winger said they already did this?

  14. When is she ever out of costume? The pink hair dye has seeped into her head and poisoned her brain, or whatever else existed in there for it to poison instead.

  15. Nuna is very nippy and wants to bite alot and will hiss like a cat too while trying to nip at you. I don’t know why she is being so aggressive now. We will see. I’m excited to be here in this forum. I’ve already learned alot of tips from everyone.

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