Nevada Democrats Make a New Argument in Lawsuit to Disqualify Green Party Petition

This news story says the Nevada Democratic Party is making a new argument in its state court lawsuit to keep the Nevada Green Party off the ballot. The new argument is that a sentence is omitted from the Green Party’s petition.


Nevada Democrats Make a New Argument in Lawsuit to Disqualify Green Party Petition — 8 Comments

  1. The Dem’s have become the party of denying everybody any choices. No wonder Biden really had no challenge in the primares

  2. Trying to get a Jewish woman and medical doctor off of the ballot? Now that’s anti-Semitism, not to mention anti-democracy

  3. “The Party of Democracy”, people. Just tyrants is all they are.

  4. The SOS is at fault. Their form for minor parties wrongly has the initiative affidavit. The form does not follow state law.

    The Green Party of Nevada should respond with that, but maybe say it more nicely!

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