Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Met with Donald Trump in Milwaukee on the First Day of the Republican Convention

July 15, the first day of the Republican convention in Milwaukee, saw a meeting between former President Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Afterwards Kennedy said he hopes to meet with leaders of the Democratic Party, and that the purpose of his meeting was to discuss national unity. Kennedy said he is not dropping out of the presidential race. See this story.


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Met with Donald Trump in Milwaukee on the First Day of the Republican Convention — 8 Comments

  1. I actually really appreciate Bobby doing that. He had to suffer through both his uncle and his father being killed. He would never want to see another father lose his life like that.

  2. So Trump met with Kennedy to get Bobby’s endorsement. 🤣 🤣 🤣

    No Kennedy will not endorse the warp speed ticket.


  3. Mr. Kennedy was polite enough to honor a request for a meeting. Mr. Trump was gracious enough to publicly call for Secret Service protection for Mr. Kennedy in return.

    This is a silver lining in an otherwise tragic weekend.

  4. Johnny, yep, and IMO, makes Trump look weak.

    Were I Biden, I’d hammer on that.

  5. Just Me (who is actually Stock) is a moron. Trump will be even stronger.

    Trump 2024!

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