Carolina Journal Opinion Editor Criticizes Democratic Members of the North Carolina State Elections Board

David Larson, opinion editor of Carolina Journal, has this column criticizing the Democratic members of the North Carolina State Board of Elections for their obviously partisan bias when they make decisions about ballot access.


Carolina Journal Opinion Editor Criticizes Democratic Members of the North Carolina State Elections Board — 15 Comments

  1. It rather depends on whether or not West’s petitioners did in fact mislead voters. If they did, then the Board of Elections can be argued to be defending democracy; but if they didn’t, then at least the Democrats on the BoE would seem to only be defending the Democratic Party…

    Whichever is the case, the board’s initial objections to Terry and RFK were far more frivolous than those against West. So I think it is somewhat unfair to treat the cases interchangeably and then conclude that the West was treated more harshly.

  2. @Nuña
    Why did the same board members have different objections to different campaigns in the first place? Do you think they’re being sincere? Cui bono?

  3. Adam, I believe for a fact that the board members were not being sincere at all. The State Board of Elections in North Carolina is not really known to be the most effective at communicating if at all. There is no way they can be trusted and thus, why I agree with the Libertarian Party of North Carolina that the 3 Democratic Board Members need to resign. I also believe that the State Board of Elections needs to be done away with altogether because their sole purpose is to stifle third party and unaffiliated campaigns.

  4. Being a Democrat and being for Democracy are two ways of saying the exact same thing. If you’re not a Democrat, you are against democracy. If you’re for democracy, you’re for the one and only Democratic Party.

  5. Questioning the motives of Democratic commissioners should be illegal. They are the representatives of all the people, unlike Republican poopyheads and weird losers who are not either one and should just get off the fence before they get impaled. Insulting Democratic commissioners is insulting all of us, and we should take it personally. Those who disparage Democratic leaders must be punished, and punished severely.

  6. Todays Democrat Party not the same as your mommas Democrat Party. Today they stand for the opposite of Democracy. Evil people who hate America.

    Kennedy is the Remedy !

  7. Comrade Zohar,

    Today’s Democratic Party is much better. Our opponents are evil people who hate our Mother Goddess Gaia (our wombperson Earth). This is even true of candidates like the brainwormspermperson and Stein who claim to be environmentalists but really only help elect evil Republicans like the fascist former guy.

    We stand for Democratcy. And we stood for it when my wombperson went to the oval office and conceived me on the Resolute desk with the assistance of my biological spermperson, President Bill Clinton. But now we’re even better! Duh!

    We need a remedy for Kennedy!

  8. Comrade Zohar,

    It’s not my name, silly. I chose it because Comrade Troll kept misgendering me, so I “complained to the manager.” It’s actually Rosie. That was accidentally revealed because posting as Karen made me think of my Republican aunt, who actually is named Karen, so I sent her an invite link. She dropped my real name because something I said made her mad for a minute, so I decided that wasn’t a big deal.

    But I have way more posts as Karen, so I keep using it. There’s nothing wrong with being a “Karen,” but as I understand the stereotype, at 28 I’m probably too young to be a stereotypical Karen. I might be one when I grow up, but for now I’m having a lot of fun dressing up like a super slutty sex worker, actually being a super slutty sex worker, doing a lot of drugs, urban camping, traveling, dancing, and generally being young and having a lot of fun! Like, duh!

  9. @Adam Cerini
    Unfortunately, secretaries of state and boards of elections often seem more interested in protecting the duopoly against third parties and independents, than in doing their job serving the electorate with integrity. So, of course, I personally doubt they were being sincere.

    But let’s suspend our disbelief and consider the different objections assuming good faith:

    – The objection against the Constitution Party was that their petition listed the party’s address instead of that of the party’s state chair, Al Pisano. Pisano claims to have request clarification from the BoE and to have received no reply from them. Even if Pisano is not telling the truth, the address listing is an easily remedied technical mistake and should not be grounds for tossing out the petition.

    – The objection against Robert F. Kennedy Jr was that he had set up the We The People Party purely as a vehicle for his own campaign in order to avoid meeting the requirements for an independent candidate. Even if that were not a legal strategy for getting around the ridiculousness of it being easier to register as a new party than as an independent candidate, then the fact that the We The People Party is also fielding candidates for North Carolina State Senate and Rowan County Commissioner, should still suffice to debunk that argument.

    – The objection against Cornel West was that the signatures on his petition had been collected through misleading signatories regarding the nature and purpose of the petition. Similar accusations were also made against those petitioning for him in Virginia.
    Leaving aside whether the accusation is true and even whether it is credible, the nature of that objection is far more substantial, far less frivolous than the other two – wouldn’t you agree?

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