New Jersey State Court Hears Challenge to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Ballot Access on Friday, July 26

A New Jersey state trial court will hear Salmon v Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Friday, July 26. This is a lawsuit filed by a New Jersey voter to keep Kennedy off the general election ballot as an independent. The challenger says that Kennedy can’t be on the ballot because he got some write-ins in the June 4, 2024 Democratic presidential primary, and therefore he is a “sore loser”.

Kennedy responds that he didn’t file a petition to be on the June primary ballot and is therefore not a “sore loser”. He also says there are procedural objections to the lawsuit. Kennedy’s brief does not mention the fact that New Jersey’s sore loser law has been held not to apply to presidential primaries. Both Lyndon LaRouche (in 1992) and David Duke (in 1988) did petition to be on the Democratic primary ballot, and then also petitioned to be on the general election ballot as independents.

The case is in Mercer Superior Court, MER-L241-24.


New Jersey State Court Hears Challenge to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Ballot Access on Friday, July 26 — 6 Comments

  1. Donald Trump got more write-in votes than RFK that Democratic Primary.

    Even JFK, Jr. Who died in 1999 got an elector in New Jersey to vote for him.
    This included votes for Mickey Mouse and Goofy.

  2. I can understand why RFK wouldn’t choose to draw a comparison between himself, and LaRouche and Duke though.

  3. Lyndon LaRouche and David Duke… now there is a pair that beats three of a kind!

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