
Maine Says Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Petition is Valid — 6 Comments

  1. Kennedy campaign today submitted ballot access signatures in NINE STATES! Team Kennedy volunteers turned in signatures in Connecticut, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Missouri, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. Only 16 states and DC remain to be submitted


  3. The issue in Maine is how Washington County will conduct the November2024 election on Machias Seal Island of the Western Seal Islands in Washington County. Back in 1930 between 13 March – 12 April, at The Hague, Samuel Wittermere Boggs offered up Michias Seal Island as a concession to the British Foreign Office Second Legal Advisor, viz., William Eric Beckett, for a British concession of Plover Group (to the north of Alaska. Boggs
    Was the Geographer of the Department of State.

    At the time Beckett rejected the offer by Boggs as unconstitutional. He did agree it was an Imperial Question and not an issue for Canada.

    The issue came up again when the State Department on 19 December 2023 made an unconstitutional claim to the Outer Conrinental Shelf. PLOVER GROUP was annexed in the name of Queen Victoria by the Royal Navy at 8:30 pm on 1 August 1850.

    In Hawai’i on 29 February 1856, the Fourth Kamehameha with the concurrence of the Kuhina Nui of the Hawaiian Islands at a meeting of the Privy Council, annexed the Steward Islands in the name of the Kingdom of Hawai’i.

    On 18 August 1901, at the District Court of Hawai’i the Hon. Judge Estee ruled in the United States v. Ching Tai Sai, which can be found at 1 D.Haw.118, that the Territory of Hawai’i included with the territory claimed by the Republic of Hawai’i the islands annexed by th3 several kings of Hawai’i in the 19th Century.

    Because of Estee Court ruling in 1901,
    the Hawai’i Legislature in 1903 enacted a law that included Stewart Islands in the County of Oahu. Then on 30 April 1907.the Legislature ended The County of Oahu and created the new County of Honolulu which excluded Stewart Atoll from Honolulu County.

    Now the Hawai’i Divion of Elections states the Native Hawaiian of Stewart Atoll can not vote in November 2024 because Stewart Atoll has not been party of a county in Hawai’i since 30 April 1907.

    That is voter surpression of the Native Hawaiian Vote.

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