
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Fights Effort to Remove Him from the New York Ballot — 18 Comments

  1. The plaintiff’s attorney is claiming that the petition was deceptive – and perhaps done so that he could get electoral votes in California.

    The lawsuit might not be to keep him from qualifying, so much as being able to publicize possible discrepancies in his bio.

  2. Dear Richard Winger,

    Unconstitutional Actions by Pollsters: A Threat to Democracy

    As a libertarian, you understand the importance of individual freedom and fair representation. I urge you to investigate and expose the unconstitutional actions by pollsters, who are:
    Manipulating samples by underrepresenting independents (40-50% of the electorate) and skewing results

    Using biased questioning by not asking direct questions about RFK Jr. and instead using vague “someone else” options, forcing respondents to manually type in his name

    Suppressing dissenting voices by not providing clear options for alternative candidates like RFK Jr., effectively silencing his supporters

    These actions violate:
    Free Speech: By excluding RFK Jr. from polls and debates, pollsters limit his ability to express his political views and deny his supporters the opportunity to hear his platform.

    Equal Protection: Exclusion from polls and debates denies RFK Jr. equal protection under the law, guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.

    Fair Elections: Manipulated polls and debates undermine the principle of fair and honest elections, ensured by the Constitution.

    I implore you to use your platform to:
    Investigate and report on these unconstitutional actions

    Raise awareness about the importance of fair representation in polling
    Advocate for inclusive and unbiased polling practices

    Together, we can ensure that all voices are heard and counted, and that our democratic process remains fair and just.


  3. The Constitution only requires that electors are not to vote for candidates for President and Vice-President who are both from the elector’s state. New York really has no say in this matter. California might.

  4. I think it was the Democratic Party that blocked Eugene McCarthy from their general election ballot in 1976.

  5. @WZ,

    The complaint alleges that Kennedy used a false residence in New York, perhaps to convince voters that he was a hometown candidate. The complaint notes that a presidential candidate and his vice presidential candidate can not both receive electoral votes from a state that they are a resident in. Lawyers can not lie. They can state facts in a way that might cause a juror to draw a false inference.

    It is not legally relevant that Kennedy’s wife is an actress, or that she and Kennedy own a residence in a “tony” neighborhood in Los Angeles. But this is the sort of stuff a newspaper can “report” and form a basis for some voters to vote on.

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