Georgia Administrative Law Judge Removes Jill Stein, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Claudia De la Cruz, and Cornel West from the Ballot

On August 26, a Georgia Administrative Law Judge removed Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Jill Stein, Cornel West, and Claudia De la Cruz from the ballot.  See this story.

The administrative law judge said when presidential candidates seek to qualify by petition in Georgia, the true candidates are the candidates for presidential elector, and each elector needs his or her own petition.

He also said that Jill Stein can’t be on the ballot because it is impossible for her to prove that she is on the ballot in at least twenty other states or territories that have presidential electors.  This seems absurd, and would nullify the new law that allows presidential candidates to be on if their party is on in at least 20 other jurisdictions.

The Secretary of State need not follow the Administrative Law Judge’s analysis.  He is the decider.  It seems unlikely that he would agree that petitions must be submitted for each presidential elector, because the Secretary of State already approved the form of the petition.


Georgia Administrative Law Judge Removes Jill Stein, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Claudia De la Cruz, and Cornel West from the Ballot — 23 Comments

  1. Not them nullifying their state’s own law… Plus Dr. Stein is actually certified on the ballot in 20+ states (unlike her peers Dr. West and Claudia, for example)

    Let’s go, GA Secretary of State!

  2. I am tired of seeing Mr. Raffensperger’s name show up on ballot access lawsuits. I also hope he does the sensible thing.

  3. 120,000 signatures to run for President in GA would be far in excess of even CA’s signature requirement, even more so when one considers the vast population difference between the two states. And Jill Stein can easily prove she’s on the ballot in 20+ states; the judge, in their haste to bend their knee to the Democratic Party, seems to have forgotten that the internet exists.

  4. “The administrative law judge said […] each elector needs his or her own petition.”
    And how many valid signatures would each of those petitions need? Does he have investments in professional petition agencies, by any chance?

    “He also said that […] it is impossible for her to prove that she is on the ballot in at least twenty other states”
    She has been certified in 28 states and Washington DC, hasn’t she? What proof does he require that it would make it impossible for her to prove that?

  5. The Democratic Party in Georgia welcomes that decision. Jill Stein won’t siphon votes off of Harris for her environmental issues and Cornel West won’t siphon the black vote off of Harris either. Remember, Georgia is a RINO run state and would rather see Harris win than Trump whom they hate.

  6. Doesn’t matter how much they try to rig Georgia at this point, Trump is not going to lose the state. If that judge wants to waste millions of taxpayer money on the upcoming lawsuit, I wish him luck. He won’t have any.

  7. @Nuña,

    You cut off a part of the sentence in the article:

    But Malihi ruled it was impossible for the party to prove it has qualified in at least 20 other states ***before Georgia’s deadline to print ballots,***

    The judge apparently determined that at least nine of those states the certification deadline was after Georgia’s.

    Richard Winger is being kind in suggesting that the judge’s decision “seems absurd”. It “is absurd”.

  8. I think the odds of Chase Oliver getting 1% of the vote of the registered voters in Georgia just increased considerably.

  9. Harris will win Georgia. Hide and watch. Oliver won’t even get a half a percentage point in his own or any other state. And Trump is way more commie than Harris. Just look at his love for Kim, Xi and KGB Putin. Really, he’s literally in love with the most commie or commie dictators. According to…Trump. It goes hand in hand with being Richie Rich Mussolini, because Kim Jong Un is a Richie Rich Mussolini himself. Thinking communist and fascist are opposites is wrong.



    Get it through your thick heads, you blithering mindless signal repeaters.

  10. It looks like Chase Oliver is the last alternative candidate standing. This should greatly increase his chance of getting 1% of the vote of the registered voters in GA so the LP of GA can keep the recognized party status it has.





  12. @Radley

    It doesn’t appear that you know what fascism or communism is; A dictionary can be your friend. It also might want pointing out that not actively seeking to aggravate several nuclear armed powers simultaneously doesn’t mean that Trump loves them. Speaking as a Green, that just sounds like the kind of common sense that the Democratic party no longer displays.

  13. Andy – if by increase you mean from 0.1 to 0.2% chance, sure.

    AZ nope only the All Whitey Elephants are like that.

    Michael its you who don’t know what they are. Trump literally and repeatedly said he fell in love with Lil Kim, and I don’t mean the rapper. Among many other dictator admiring statements and actions.

    All your wombs are belongs to us is among their many other commie fascist beliefs. The fruit of the labor of slaves plus accrued interest etc etc etc . Your vomit party does not have the common sense a deity gave a turnip if a deity existed. You can espouse whatever you want but aside from a stray down ballot winners here and there all you ever ACTUALLY accomplish is elect repugnant klans who do the far exact opposite and will end elections aside from Putin/ Kim shams the next time yall help them elect a president through the archaic racist electoral college another relic of slavery times. Thanks clown vomits.

  14. Radley

    I would point out that Trump doesn’t know what the words he uses mean, either. He has been known to call Biden, formerly known as “the Senator from MBNA” a communist. He is now doing so with Kamala Harris, who is backed by Wall Street among others. Using a moron as an example does not do your case much good.

    No one loves dictators as much as our duopoly; over sixty percent of our foreign aid budget goes to support them, after all. The word “dictator”, as presently used by both Democrats and Republicans, only means that those so denominated have leaders that our government does not like because they cannot control them. Over eighty coups since WWII does not make a good case for our support for other peoples democracies. Hence Maduro=”dictator” even as Juan Guaido (whom no one in Venezuela has ever heard of) rates as head of state in absentia so that we can steal their gold reserves, oil and oil infrastructure overseas. Vladimir Putin gets an eighty six percent approval rate in WESTERN polls and wins his election with eighty seven percent of the vote, so our president, with a thirty percent approval rating, gets to call him a “dictator.”

    Facts matter. You might want to avail yourself of some of them.

  15. You should follow your own advice. Do your polls cover the millions of Russians essentially forced to live in exile? The millions who would be too scared to criticize a president in a poll? Stalin was very popular, too. People who expressed dislike, doubts, or qualified support tended to face consequences, or had justified fear they would. Contradictory views were largely kept underground, which is again now the case more and more.

    Criticise Trump all you want. Those are just words. Actions speak louder. Your actions empower him. What will you do if you help him win and criticising him starts having worse and worse consequences, and it will be your fault because he couldn’t have done it without you green bozos?

  16. Radley

    Citations required for the “millions” of Russians “forced” to live in exile. If such emigres have a voice at all, they are the oligarchs that led to the destruction of their countries in the first place. Putin has a high approval rating in his own country because he got rid of the oligarchs that were bleeding Russia dry during the Nineties. Russian Telegram is rife with all kinds of free speech against Putin, and he does not appear to be shutting it down the same way that the Biden Administration is doing here. Putin is not a new Stalin, and the fact that you think he is shows just how out of date your propaganda is. We are the ones arresting Pavel Durov, not Putin. Snowden had to flee to Russia just for pointing out how Obama was breaking the law. You need to address your own issues before you can even start to think about those of others.

    I am a Green Party elector, and can see up close and personal how the Democratic Party is going about protecting its unique form of “democracy” by deliberately coronating someone who never got the first electoral vote at everyone elses expense. You don’t get to lecture me about that. Trump was created by the Democratic party; Hillary Clinton and the Democratic party uplifted him with their Pied Piper strategy implemented through their own media apparat. If they cannot beat their own creation in a free and fair fight we are the last people you should be criticizing.

  17. Lol, dumbass. I know you know how to do web searches. I’m not looking it up again to prove it to you. It’s millions, not “millions,” and easy enough for you to find yourself. Russia has the highest proportion of emigres and citizens abroad of any major country for a reason.

    How many oligarchs do you think there could be in Russia, or from there, nutjob? It’s a lot of people, disproportionately male, young, educated, urban, but all kinds. Many are poor, especially by western standards.

    Putin has higher ratings than he deserves because news sources are sued or shut down or harassed so few people get critical news and views. And because some people fear expressing critical views to strangers on the phone, at the door, etc . And because many critics aren’t even in Russia anymore. Look it up yourself.

    Russian telegram is not all Russians in Russia. It’s all Russian speakers everywhere, including emigres, Russians abroad, people in or from all the other former Soviet Republics, etc etc .

    Putin shut down oligarchs ? Only those who didn’t kowtow to him. Those who do are ripping off the country worse then ever and he’s one himself, hiding massive wealth in their names and through other cutouts. It’s the most disproportionate wealth distribution economy outside the third world. Billionaires still bleed the country dry.

    Some Russians prefer a strongman leader, yeah. Putin is still a long way from Stalin. Just moving ever in that direction.

    No out of date propaganda – I keep up with many perspectives. Plenty of people have had to flee Russia or are political prisoners or assassinated there.

    Yes, I do get to criticize you and Trump is a dangerous demagogue you are enabling along with Putin. Maybe you actually want a “green” dictatorship. He won’t be that. Environmental standards largely don’t exist in Putin’s Russia either, but then they didn’t before him under Yeltsin or Soviets. The ex USSR was always an environmental disaster and still is. Trump doesn’t give half a shit about the environment either. Your party is phony green, phony left, enabling fascist dictators and wannabes here and abroad. Go die in a terrible way.

  18. So, what I am seeing in all that mess are no citations. Play Joe McCarthy all you like, the Democratic party has cheated and lied its’ way into losing elections to a moron that they are about to elevate to the presidency, again, and all you are left with is insults. But, then, you lost to a shrub twice as well, so no surprises there.

    Thems the facts, man. Learn to deal with them.

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