2024 Election Marks First Time that Muslims Have Been on National Tickets that Had Substantial Campaigns

In 2024, two Muslims are running for vice-president on tickets that will be on the ballot in at least ten states.  This marks the first time that Muslims have been on national tickets, at least those with a fairly substantial campaign.

They are Rudolph “Butch” Ware, for the Green Party; and Melina Abdullah, for the Justice for All Party, which is running Cornel West for president.

By coincidence, they are both Californians.


2024 Election Marks First Time that Muslims Have Been on National Tickets that Had Substantial Campaigns — 16 Comments

  1. @Rick oh, I didn’t realize that they support Netanyahu and the IDF. That’s disappointing!

  2. “Progressive Leftist” (St0ck) is a fucking retard. Israel is in the right. They aren’t beheading children and sending in suicide bombers.

  3. Truth tells lies.

    Israel has assassinated Palestinians, raped Palestinians and even assassinated Americans, all red lines they cross and Genocide Joe does nothing about (and neither will Genocide Kamala or Genocide Don).

  4. 1. You refuse to take a free clue on what genocide is. Or communism. Or terrorism. Provide your definitions and how Israel fits.

    2. Netanyahu is a communist? Ok retard..

    3. Other than isolated incidents and the bizarre RKS obsession Truth is mostly correct. Palestinians do way more of all that crap than Israel. And the US government has done all those same thing things including in that region with far less reasonable excuses.

    4. Article author apparently buys the cover story and refuses to accept Obama is islamocommunist only pretending to be Christian.

  5. Just Me is St0ck trolling again with his lies. Israel has done none of what you claim, but you are too fucking retarded and dense to realize that.

    Just Me (St0ck) supports Hamas and thus, terrorists.

  6. I don’t think that two Muslims from Commiefornia are running is as much of a “coincidence” as you think, Richard.

    Iran fell into a Islamic nation state after the Communists helped the Muslims take over. The Muslims then killed the Communists, stabbing them in the back. Islamic extremists are well-known for using communism to grab power. Whether or not Rudolph Ware or Melina Abdullah are extremists is yet to be seen, but it’s more than an even bet.

  7. I’m proud of our excellent vice presidential candidate, Butch Ware.
    I have to wonder just how many of those above in the peanut gallery have even read anything about him, or from him?
    I believe in educated criticism, not mindless.
    Y’all oughta try it.

  8. Disappointing. Not a single CALIFornia joke. Just a couple of morons who want to pretend that suicide bombs are worse than any other sort of bomb.

  9. Oh look, the leftists are being antisemitic again, as always.

    It would be interesting to hear what serious muslims think about these candidates, because I have never heard anything positive about socialists from any muslim who takes their Islam seriously. Even in the Libyan and Iranian revolutions, where communists were instrumental in enacting regime changes, the most positive thing that serious muslims had to say about them was that they were useful idiots and disposable tools. And in Indonesia, Pakistan and Kurdistan, one can either be a socialist or a serious muslim, but not both.

  10. Everybody knows Obama is a Muslim, born in Kenya, who married a man named Big Mike.

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