New Hampshire Releases Candidate List

The New Hampshire Secretary of State has released a list of candidates for federal and state office in the November 2024 election. Here is a link to the candidates who qualified by petition. The only two presidential candidates who petitioned successfully are Chase Oliver and Jill Stein. The Libertarian Party also has a gubernatorial nominee. If he gets 4%, the Libertarian Party will become ballot-qualified. Thanks to Darryl Perry for the link.


New Hampshire Releases Candidate List — 17 Comments

  1. New Hampshire had 3 candidates on the ballot in 2020 and a whooping 19 write-in candidates. To be fair, 15 of those weren’t even running or they lost in the primaries. Apparently you can just write in any name on a New Hampshire ballot and they will accept it.

  2. Soy puertorriqueño y Thomas W Jones ha sido un gran apoyo para mi isla. Tiene mi voto al 100%. ¡Puerto Rico será libre!

  3. @some dude True, but generally sore loser laws would prevent that kind of thing for primary candidates.

    Unrelated, but Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, and New York don’t have automatic write-in status. Yet they all had over 15 write-in candidates each in 2020.

  4. Sore loser laws, if any,vary by state. Whether they apply to presidential candidates is questionable. From 1980-2012 it was understood they did not, but since then the courts have returned uneven verdicts on that.

  5. @Andy: today was the deadline for submitting petitions to the SOS after being verified by cities & towns. Since he wasn’t listed on the SOS site as being qualified for the ballot, one would assume that he 1) didn’t collect enough valid petitions, or 2) didn’t submit them to the SOS.

  6. Andy that actual facts is he withdrew from the New Hampshire ballot after easily qualifying for it. He had submitted way back in June over triple the needed amount of signatures

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