North Carolina State Trial Court Won’t Let Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Remove his Name from Ballot

On September 5, a North Carolina State Trial Court refused to remove Robert F. Kennedy, Jr’s name from the ballot. See this story. The judge stayed her own opinion so that Kennedy has time to appeal.


North Carolina State Trial Court Won’t Let Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Remove his Name from Ballot — 12 Comments

  1. So it would be too expensive to print new ballots… Why couldn’t Kennedy just donate the money required to reprint the ballots? Make it a court order. If this decision is overturned later, it’s just going to cost more and more to reprint the ballots.

    What’s the cost of one ballot and how many have been printed already?

  2. Brainworm Bobby supposably dropped out in part because he was running short on money and his (presidential only for now) running mate, the not yet Mrs. Brainworm IV, presumably wouldn’t lend the campaign more.

    But, it takes money to pay for all this lawyering. Where’s it coming from?

  3. Cheryl Hines onlyfans. You’ve heard something about Bobby and Nicole sitting in a tree? Cheryl, if you’re still around, care to comment?

  4. Still wondering about the alleged Cheryl comments and the alleged Winger 2:1 donor match. How real is any of that?

  5. Despite what dungfly and secret service, who were looking for an excuse to remove Kennedy’s protection, claim, Kennedy has not dropped out of the presidential race. He is still running and asking people in red and blue states to vote for him.

    Kennedy is better off without “protection” from those who murdered his father and uncle.

    And the fact that the same dungfly pretending Kennedy has dropped out, is also asserting that BAN’s self-proclaimed cam whore with a marriage-on-the-rocks is actually Kennedy’s wife, that Kennedy is having an affair with Shanahan, that Kennedy tried to auction off his endorsement to the highest bidder in exchange for a cabinet position, and that I am a “Buchananite”, should tell everyone all they need to know about the accuracy of any of its claims.

  6. Kampala Harris is the name of the candidate who’s dreaming
    Of killing White folks and listening to us screaming

  7. People, stop spreading lies about the candidate, his running mate and his loyal spouse. It’s clear this website is not a good place. Curb your bile.


    Go to if you want to help. Thanks, Richard, for letting me know what’s happening. See you in LA next week.

  8. Ted, will your publicist confirm that is really you if I contact the publicly listed number for his or her office?

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