Washington Post Story Says Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Now Asks that Voters in All States Not Vote for Him

This Washington Post story says that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., now encourages people in every state to vote for Donald Trump rather than Kennedy himself. It also shows that he is withdrawing in all the Trump-leaning states.


Washington Post Story Says Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Now Asks that Voters in All States Not Vote for Him — 9 Comments

  1. How very typical of WaPo’s urinalistic (lack of) standards not to provide a source, or even any indication of where Kennedy supposedly said this. Until something more solid is presented, I’m inclined to dismiss this as just more fake news propaganda from the Democrat MSM.

    On the other hand, Kennedy certainly has been withdrawing/attempting to withdraw from the ballot in several states which don’t come to mind as obviously swing/battleground states.

    In any event, Kennedy doing this would compound his stupidity in endorsing Trump, thus further ruining any shred of credibility he might have held onto in some people’s minds, and thereby precluding any staying-power as a cabinet member – or any other appointment, for that matter.

  2. It must be for you, if you manage to hallucinate things into articles which aren’t there…

    “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. abandons plan to seek votes in uncompetitive states

    The independent candidate now wants all his supporters to vote for Donald Trump, as he seeks to take his name off red-state ballots and add it to blue-state ballots

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks onstage beside Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump during a campaign event at Desert Diamond Arena in Glendale, Arizona, on Aug. 23, 2024. (Tom Brenner for The Washington Post)

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the independent presidential candidate who recently endorsed Donald Trump, called on his supporters Thursday to vote for the Republican nominee no matter where they live, reversing instructions he gave two weeks ago when he encouraged voters to still vote for Kennedy if they lived in uncompetitive states.”

    …Please point out on the doll where WaPo touched your E-mail 😏

    And when you’ve finally finished reading and re-reading that in a futile attempt to locate your hallucination, please provide proof of the E-mail you claim exists (e.g. a screenshot uploaded to Imgur).

  3. Here is his actual email that i received from bobby

    A lot of people are asking me, if they live in a red state or a blue state, should they still vote for me? What about swing states?

    The answer is easy. No matter what state you live in, I urge you to vote for Donald Trump. The reason is that is the only way we can get me and everything I stand for into Washington DC and fulfill the mission that motivated my campaign.

    A lot is at stake. The health of our children, the integrity of our government agencies, even the survival of our species as the Democrats push us closer and closer to World War Three. But let me tell you one more reason why it is imperative we get Donald Trump into the White House.

    Right now, free speech is under withering and relentless attack in America and across the globe, but we still have enough of it that you can at least read this email or follow me on X. We can still run an opposition political campaign.

    Well in a lot of countries you can’t do that, because the state controls the media. The state censors the internet. Brazil just banned Twitter because Elon Musk refused to censor user speech. Kamala Harris says Musk better behave himself or he will “lose his privileges.”

    She thinks — and the Democratic establishment thinks — free speech is a privilege. Well I think it is a right. And if Kamala Harris is elected, the powers behind her will quash that right. They are already halfway there. It will be too late by 2028. Once we are in the grips of totalitarianism, we won’t be able to vote our way out of it. This is our last chance to stop them.

    After long conversations with President Trump and his team, I know that he is fully convinced of this priority. He sees the censorship machine for what it is. Remember, he was kicked off Twitter back in 2021. And he has experienced directly how government agencies are being weaponized to destroy political opponents. He is going to be relying on me to help clean up that corruption, and that’s why I’m relying on my supporters to help him return to the White House.

    As you know, this could be a very close election. A disputed election result would be a disaster for our divided nation. President Trump needs to win in a landslide both in the Electoral College and the popular vote. He can’t do it unless my supporters join him and look at the big picture. We have to unify if we are to overthrow the entrenched elites who are ruining our country.

    Here’s what that means for you:

    In every state, if you support me and my vision of a government united around common goals, I encourage you to vote for President Trump.
    This isn’t about splitting votes or sending mixed signals. It’s about creating a united front that will carry us through these turbulent times and restore integrity to our government.

    I am fully committed to this path. Any confusion or division at this stage could undermine the very progress we’ve fought for. And this means I need your financial support now more than ever.

    Thank you for standing strong with me for the future of America.

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr.


    Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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