Presidential Elector Candidates Pledged to Shiva Ayyadurai Sue Wisconsin Over Ballot Access

On August 27, the Wisconsin Elections Commission removed Shiva Ayyadurai from the ballot as an independent candidate for president. He has enough valid signatures but he was challenged on the grounds that he was born in India. On August 28, two of his candidates for presidential elector filed a federal lawsuit to regain ballot access for themselves and for Ayyadurai. Here is the Complaint.

It argues that the candidates for presidential elector (themselves), are qualified candidates, and there is no basis to block them from running for presidential elector. It also argues that the objectors did not notify them of the challenge, and that therefore the objection is flawed. The case is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge William C. Griesbach, a Bush Jr. appointee.

Similar lawsuits related to the Ayyadurai candidacy are being filed in other states where the petition had enough valid signatures.


Presidential Elector Candidates Pledged to Shiva Ayyadurai Sue Wisconsin Over Ballot Access — 7 Comments

  1. They should be paraded naked through the streets and pelted with refuse while a nun rings a bell and chants shame repeatedly.

  2. Nuns masturbate with broomsticks after dipping the handles in hallucinogens. If anyone needs to be shamed, it’s them.

  3. I wish more states, as in all states in which he’s on the ballot, would boot Shiva Ayurveda’s ass back off.

  4. We’ve had two foreign born presidents in Chester Arthur and Obama. Both should have been ruled ineligible.

  5. I feel like Shiva Ayyadurai is the “Kayne West” of this election cycle. Such a strange character. His policies make him seem like he should be a Trump supporter, just vastly weird. And yet, here he is.

  6. Obama was a subject of the Sultan of Zanzibar at birth. His mother went into labor at the Port Reitz Airport in Kenya, near Mombasa, Zanzibar. Obama had one of the Hawaiian Birth Certificates (45 in number issued to persons not born in Hawaiian Islands). If one visits the Los Angeles County Law library you can view the Naturalization papers from 1919 making Obama paternal grandfather, a subject of the Sultan of Zanzibar, which extended to two generation. In 2008 John McCain III was also not born in the United States, He was born out of wedlock to an American Citizen Mother in the Republic of Panama and was a citizen of the Republic of Panama from birth. McCain parents went through a sham marriage at Caesar’s Bar in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, just like Ike and Tina Turner did in 1962.

    POTUS Chester Arthur may of been born in Canada and not Vermont. That is not certain. Obama being a subject of the Sultan of Zanzibar at birth is a fact.

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