U.S. District Court Expedites Shiva Ayyadurai’s New Jersey Ballot Access Case

On August 26, five presidential elector candidates in New Jersey who are pledged to Shiva Ayyadurai for president filed a federal ballot access lawsuit, Sias v New Jersey Secretary of State, 3:24cv-08747. The New Jersey Secretary of State had determined that the petition had enough valid signatures, but the candidate was removed after he was challenged on the grounds that he was born in India.

On September 6, U.S. District Court Judge Michael A. Shipp, an Obama appointee, expedited the case. The Defendants’ brief is due September 9. The reply brief is due September 13.

The case is similar to the Wisconsin case filed by electors for Ayyadurai. It says that the true candidates in November are presidential elector candidates, not presidential and vice-presidential candidates. It says that the candidates for elector meet all qualifications and therefore they should be on the ballot. Furthermore, it says the challengers did not notify the elector candidates of the challnege, and did not serve them, so the challenge is invalid. Here is the Complaint.


U.S. District Court Expedites Shiva Ayyadurai’s New Jersey Ballot Access Case — 1 Comment

  1. Back in 1968 in both CA and Utah it was Eldritch Cleaver who was not 35 years of age and was removed from the ballot with a blank space for where their name was.

    Then in 2008 we have John McCain III born in the Republic of Panama to a US Citizen mother out of wedlock. His parents at his birth were not married, because they had wedding (bogus) at Ceasar’s Bar in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico like Ike and Tina Turner in 1962.

    If any one of these elector candidates
    want proof of the none marriage status between Roberta McCain and John McCain II a document I got issued in Mexicali, B.C. proving same is recorded in Hilgaigo County, New Mexico in 2008. It was across the border in the State of New Mexico because the Registrar in Arizona refused to record the document because
    It would upset McCain.

    It did upset McCain because he tried to hire attorney James V. Lacy to sue me over that document. I even got a phone call from China from attorney Tribe about it, after Lacy rejected the employment offer from McCain.

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