Presidential Elector Candidates for Shiva Ayyadurai Sue Tennessee for Ballot Access

On September 10, presidential elector candidates pledged to Shiva Ayyadurai filed a federal lawsuit against the Secretary of State of Tennessee. Although their independent presidential petition had enough valid signatures, the Secretary disqualified them because they say they are pledged to Ayyadurai, who was born in India.

The case is Lupo v Tennessee Secretary of State, m.d., 3:24cv-1088. It is assigned to U.S. District Court Judge Waverly Crenshaw, an Obama appointee. Here is the Complaint.


Presidential Elector Candidates for Shiva Ayyadurai Sue Tennessee for Ballot Access — 14 Comments

  1. OR TERM BEGINS – 20 JAN 2025 NOON ???


  2. I’m watching Steven Crowder’s coverage… Trump isn’t winning so much as Harris and the moderators are losing. Badly. But the damage is entirely self-inflicted. Put them out of their misery already.

  3. Why bother listing a candidate for office on a ballot who is not legally eligible to hold the office?

  4. Who decided to hold the debate on the eve of 9/11, knowing that Harris wouldn’t be able to resist saying J6 was the worst attack on American values ever?

    This whole thing looks like it’s cooked up to undermine Harris, so they can replace her with yet another candidate. But then ABC would have to be in on it, and willingly sacrificing themselves to make that happen.

    I find it hard to believe that they would be willing to do that. But it is at least as hard to believe that they are so completely out of touch that they can’t see they are only helping Trump by attacking him so brazenly.

    This is genuinely so much better for Trump/worse for the Dems than the CNN debate was.

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