Nevada Green Party Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Put it on Ballot

On September 13, the Nevada Green Party asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stay the ruling of the State Supreme Court that had removed it from the ballot. Nevada Green Party v Aguilar, 24A262. Here is the filing.

The application was submitted to Justice Elena Kagan, who asked the Democratic Party to respond by Tuesday, September 17.

UPDATE: here is a news story from The Hill.


Nevada Green Party Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Put it on Ballot — 4 Comments

  1. It seems every time a “third” party goes to the Supreme Court to complain about un-American and immoral ballot access laws, all of a sudden the court is all for “states rights” and there is nothing the court can do.

  2. Scott, the US Supreme Court says nothing when it denies a cert petition. And no unfavorable full ballot access decision from the US Supreme Court has ever said “states rights”. All the unfavorable US Supreme Court decisions from 1972 through 1993 were written by Justice Byron White, and he always said “stability.”

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