Ohio Secretary of State Will Refuse to Count Votes for Jill Stein Because the Green Party Tried to Substitute a New Vice-Presidential Nominee

On September 25, the Ohio Secretary of State said he won’t count votes for Jill Stein, even though she is on the ballot as an independent presidential candidate. This is because the Ohio Greens sent in paperwork to swap out the stand-in vice-presidential nominee, Anita Rios, with the actual vice-presidential nominee, Butch Ware. The paperwork caused the problem. The due date for withdrawal is later than the due date for a new nominee. Therefore, the Ohio Secretary of State deemed the withdrawal of the stand-in to be timely, and he interpreted it as a withdrawal of Jill Stein herself and the stand-in vice-presidential candidate. But he deemed the new vice-presidential name to be too late.

There are other states in the past in which presidential candidates appeared on the November ballot without a vice-presidential nominee, but no such instances in Ohio.

The Green Party hopes to bring a lawsuit to overturn the decision. In the meantime elections officials have already prepared a postal mailing to all the voters who received an absentee ballot, telling them votes for Stein won’t count.


Ohio Secretary of State Will Refuse to Count Votes for Jill Stein Because the Green Party Tried to Substitute a New Vice-Presidential Nominee — 24 Comments

  1. IMO, if her electors are qualified, then their votes deserve to be counted. They are the actual candidates. If there is no VP listed, then the electors are free to vote for whomever they want for VP.

  2. Are you the Ohio secretary of state? No? Then your opinion is irrelevant. Well, it might matter if you were one of the judges who might hear the appeals, but you’re probably not one of those either.

  3. As a great man once said;

    Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

  4. Says a progressive leftist? Y’all are the textbook definition of absolute insanity.

  5. “In the meantime elections officials have already prepared a postal mailing to all the voters who received an absentee ballot, telling them votes for Stein won’t count.”

    What about voters who will receive an absentee ballot in the future? What about those who will vote in person? How many thousands or millions of people will end up being notified about this?

  6. Boycotting voting’s great, boycotting voting’s good, not everybody does it, but everybody should.

  7. Any other states like this where a candidate will be listed but not counted other than West/de la Cruz in Georgia

  8. I’m have sent my absentee ballot in already and voted for Jill Stein (middle finger to Trump and Harris supporters).

  9. What typical LaRose nonsense. How about he also disqualifies the Democratic ticket for substituting Harris for Biden without putting it to a vote.

  10. I just wiped my butt with my absentee ballot and sent it to Frank LaRose along with a big middle finger and a picture of a Haitian illegal carrying a duck home for dinner.

  11. How is this a win for democracy? There is no democracy in America. This is not okay. Just another way to limit our options. I’m writing in Jill Stein and Butch Ware if I have too. Ohio is corrupt to the core. They literally make it impossible for third parties. Greens and others don’t take corporate funds or funds from other countries or from super pacs. This is unacceptable.the votes should be counted.

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