Senator Ron Wyden Introduces Bill to Expand U.S. Supreme Court to 15 Justices

On September 26, U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) introduced a bill to expand the U.S. Supreme Court to 15 justices. Here is his press release explaining the bill. It has links to the text of the bill. It has many other provisions as well.


Senator Ron Wyden Introduces Bill to Expand U.S. Supreme Court to 15 Justices — 28 Comments

  1. I don’t know about communist, but he’s way too friendly to the evil left for a (supposed) libertarian.

  2. It is not “packing” the court because it apportions out the new appointees over several presidential terms. By contrast, what President Franklin Roosevelt proposed in 1937 would have put all the new nominees on at once.

    As Wyden points out, most national high courts have more than nine members. For example, Canada has 15 justices.

    The bill does many other things, such as expanding the number of circuits, a sensible idea that has been overdue for over a century. When the Ninth Circuit was created in the 1870’s, the western states and territories had a very small population, very different from today. It is absurd that the First Circuit only has 4 states with a combined total of 15 US House seats, whereas the Ninth Circuit has states with 88 house seats. Also note that the idea of splitting up the Ninth Circuit has long been an idea pushed by Republicans more than by Democrats.

  3. Agreed with Wyden with one exception. As the Chief Justice IS “Chief Justice of the United States” (as John Marshall Roberts never tires of mentioning), they should NOT ride circuit. Therefore, cut the number of circuit courts to 14, or else expand to 16, to keep an odd number of justices.

  4. It’s court packing because regardless of what window dressing is added on the immediate reason and objective is to neutralize Trump’s supreme court picks and their impact on the court’s decisions.

  5. For all we know, Trump will win the November 2024 election and if the bill had passed, he could then get two more appointments.

  6. He probably will and he probably will. But Wyden is obviously hoping otherwise. If I’m not mistaken, you share his hope.

  7. Not surprised “Just Me” (Robert K Stock) and Richard Winger supports communism.

    Wyden is evil.

  8. Of course Trump will win the election and get more appointments. Wyden is just engaging in wishful thinking.

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