Fewer Independent Candidates for U.S. House This Year Than at Any Time Since 2004

In the November 2024 election, there are fewer independent candidates for U.S. House on the ballot than at any previous election since 2004. This year there are 57.

Past years: 2022 78; 2020 64; 2018 84; 2016 72; 2014 82; 2012 104; 2010 140; 2008 65; 2006 63; 2004 44.


Fewer Independent Candidates for U.S. House This Year Than at Any Time Since 2004 — 2 Comments

  1. According to the FEC, there’s 51 candidates for the House that aren’t part of the Democrats or Republicans (or the Democrat-Farm-Labor Party). 30 of them are independent, 5 are from the Green Party, 1 is from the Independent American Party, and 15 are from the libertarian party.

    However, I know that is incorrect because in Michigan alone, there were an additional 4 candidates for the Green Party, 9 for the Libertarian Party, 4 for the U.S. Taxpayers (Constitution) Party, and 7 for the Working Class Party that hadn’t filed with the FEC until recently. Now only 2 from the Green Party, 3 from the Libertarians, and 2 from the U.S. Taxpayers haven’t filed yet.

    Not all of the minor candidate parties bother to register with the FEC.

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