If They’re Attacking You, You Must Be Doing Something Right

Congratulations to Jill Stein. The Democratic Party and the Harris/Walz ticket are now running an attack ad on her in “battleground states.” This, of course, is a problem of the legacy parties’ own doing, as they could provide Ranked Choice Voting or other alternative voting methods to the American public.

Here is a USA Today story on Stein and other minor party presidential candidates.


If They’re Attacking You, You Must Be Doing Something Right — 13 Comments

  1. Or not.

    Stein is a horrible hypocrite – Jewess for hamas and quasiprofessional agitator who is simultaneously also a well off upper middle class educated professional and investor in government military contractor corporate stocks who also spouts maxist anticapitalist pablum all in the same meat casing.

    Democrats have nothing better to do than blame commies who prefer other flavors of commie party for their inability to inspire what they misname the working class, which includes lots of people who don’t work or work way less hard and or less consistently than many people of higher classes, but that all goes back to the way a guy not especially known for working defined “work” back in the 19th century in a particularly unworkable way

    Rank communist voting and other alternative voting schemes of its sort would only make bad things worse and nobody will actually try the Max – Vera – Stan plan or any cousin there of. Aside from a couple of dozen mental patients who frequent this obscure blog nobody even heard of it, and nobody that has really understands it including its originators .

    USSR Yesterday is a crappy commie propaganda birdcage liner from a dying medium dumbed down for low information , low intelligence and high gullibility infotainment consumers .

    The plausible potus contenders suck eggs as usual , and This time none of the minor also rans are worth a mouse turd either.

    People attack each other for all sorts of stupid reasons which basically break down to evolutionary competition based imperatives, gullibility, idiocracy , utopian delusional thinking, chasing good money after bad, overcompensation, crowd effects, jealousy, wanting something for nothing , etc etc.

    Being attacked does not necessarily mean you’re doing anything right. It could be that you just happen to be a target of opportunity or convenient scape goat or unlucky. If you do in fact manage to ever do anything right, it’s likely that various people will attack you in various ways, but that will still happen if you’re always profoundly wrong.

  2. It doesn’t so much say Stein must be doing something right, as that the right people are feeling threatened enough – whether correctly or not – by her leeching away votes from them.

  3. Responsibility and working for what you get are not compatible with commie notions of entitlement, redistribution, guaranteed everything , etc. Democrats believe democracy means they don’t have to actually work to persuade anyone and that votes are owed to them on the basis of various demographic factors along with overall victory in elections, control of the economy and society, control of every aspects of everyone’s lives and in general north Korea style “democracy” on the installments plan.

    They are evil demonic rats .

  4. A lot of misinformed Gentiles don’t understand that not all Jews are Zionists and stand with the parasitic terrorist State of Israel and its lapdog USA.

  5. Not all Jews are Zionist. Israel is the furthest thing from a terrorist parasitic state in its neighborhood. Any Arab or Muslim controlled state is much worse, along with quasi state and terror groups like Hamas. Jews being jews, some will support even the worst of those, despite personally standing to be in for murder, rape, torture and every horrible form of human mistreatment of those very same groups they support get their way.

    Stein is at the very least metaphorically a card carrying member of this group – let’s call them Jews for Jewish Extinction. They have their historical precedents, such as the Kapos.

  6. By those very same groups

    And the notion that the U.S. is lapdog to Israel is psychotic.

    Imagine a lapdog that’s 35 times your size or weight in your lap. Yeah, not so much. This is standard Jew hating propaganda.

    Actual Israeli nationalists I know would prefer to cut any financial or military ties with the U.S. government.

  7. John Taylor Bowles much like Hamas would kill all Jews if he could regardless of level of support for or opposition to Israel

  8. People who hate all Jews pretending they only hate the government of Israel are lying liars. They hated Jews long before the modern nation of Israel existed. They will continue to try to kill off any remaining Jews if such exist if and when they succeed in ethnically cleansing and genociding Jews in Israel. They applaud historic attempts to kill all Jews so antizionism is only a smoke screen.

    Jews , including both religious and secular, manage to fall for jew hating bs with some regularity.

    However democrats hate greens for largely different reasons – more like what the old cpusa once called “premature antifascism “

  9. The way MY president has the morally bankrupt corrupt grifter Kopmala fuming, I love to see it! You just know she can’t stand that not only is the Stein/Ware ticket more benevolent and pure than the Harris/Walz ticket (especially that, of the two, only Stein/Ware opposes genocide) but it ALSO showcases solidarity between a female Jewish Doctor and a black Muslim. Suck on that, cop!

    Also, voters aren’t stupid. They know that if you’re attacking someone, it could be because you’re insecure. And in the worst case scenario “all publicity is good publicity” (which is why the DNC spent all year ignoring Marianne Williamson) … so thanks for the free advertisement, you’re getting Dr. Stein’s name out there with no financial cost to her!

  10. Defund the police Cumala is no copmala. And SteinWare supports genocide, although of the two Stein would be the only one genocided if the genocide they support comes our way.

    Voters are stupid, in most cases, at least when it comes to voting . Few know or care about Stein, much less what anticopmala might of said about her.

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