Stein Write-in Vote in Illinois is Overwhelmingly from the Cook and DuPage Counties

The Illinois vote for president by county may be seen here. Click “Download Vote Totals” and then choose the general election of 2024.

The write-in vote for Jill Stein, 31,023, is unusually high for a general election presidential candidate. If one examines the vote by county, one can see that 77% of her votes came from Cook and DuPage Counties, even though those two counties accounted for only 45% of the statewide vote.

In DuPage County she got 1.34% of the total presidential vote, and in Cook County she got .85%.


Stein Write-in Vote in Illinois is Overwhelmingly from the Cook and DuPage Counties — 18 Comments

  1. Everyone who is only here due to the ridiculous, treasonous, nationally and racially suicidal 1965 immigration law, regardless where he or she was born, must be deported with shoot on sight orders if they are caught sneaking back in. We must cleanse our nation’s blood and honor!

  2. I hope the illegals stay. That’s what White people get for being stupid and allow the border to be open for cheap greedy corporations using slave labor.

  3. The nerve of you to suggest that graveyard voting took place in favor of a presidential write-in! The supposed crooks would have had to write the names in over and over! And to what benefit, for whom?

  4. They stuffed the ballots after the election to make it look like the election was a lot closer than it was .

  5. I found a couple of precincts in DuPage with Stein votes over 10%, a remarkable number for a write-in. Chicago and Cook County do not report write-in votes by precinct. (Chicago Board of Elections is separate from the Cook County Board of Elections).

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