Identical bills have been introduced in the New Jersey legislature to increase the petition requirements for both primary and general elections. SB 3994 and AB 5117 increase the general election statewide petition from 800 signatures to 2,000. For U.S. House, the increase is from 100 to 250 signatures.
For primaries, statewide petitions rise from 1,000 to 2,500 signatures. U.S. House rises from 200 to 500. Legislature rises from 100 to 250.
AB 5117 was introduced December 9, and passed the Assembly on December 19 by a vote of 46-27. SB 3994 passed the Senate State Government Committee on December 19. Thanks to Deirdre Goldfarb for this news.
Is New Jersey still enforcing a ban on out-of-state petition signature gatherers?
What sovereign state wouldn’t?
The article should state Goldfarb is/was connected to the Kennedy campaign.
should be pct of prior election votes in election area involved
each state is a nation-state
internal elections – externals stay out
tyrant trump —
un-limited usa debt ok for him
Econ crisis at 20 jan 2025 noon – sell all stocks / demand usa repay loans ???
stay tuned
canada – one more un-stable regime — minority rule gerrymanders and parl rot
west vs Ontario vs Quebec vs east
multiple possible added usa states ???
One thing that is being overlooked is that the signature requirement to run as an independent/minor party candidate is being drastically increased. A an independent candidate or minor party candidate for municipal office would need up to 250 signatures under the new law, whereas a democratic or republican candidate would need far fewer, (as few as 50 or 25 depending on the size of the town)
Boo hoo.