How Presidential Write-ins for District of Columbia Were Revealed

Earlier BAN had a post saying that Joseph Bishop-Henchman had obtained a tally of the write-in votes for president in the District of Columbia, in the November 5, 2024 election for president. This post explains how he obtained the information. He used the District’s Freedom of Information Act to obtain a picture of every ballot for which the write-in bubble had been filled in.

The reference books that report the official, final presidential vote for any election will probably refuse to include his findings, because they are not “official” figures, i.e., they weren’t released by the D.C. Board of Elections itself. The three primary reference books will be published by (1) the Federal Election Commission; (2) America Votes, a private firm that publishes election returns; (3) the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives. None of the three books have been published yet.

It is possible that Bishop-Henchman or any other activist who cares about this can persuade the City Council (which writes election laws for D.C.) to amend the code and require a tally for the declared presidential write-in candidates.


How Presidential Write-ins for District of Columbia Were Revealed — 22 Comments

  1. Since he has shown us how to do it, why don’t you also put in a Freedom of Information to the D.C. Board of Elections and do your own tally?

  2. I thought my comment posted earlier, but thanks again to Comrade Winger for the belly laugh at 1:02 above.

  3. 6 Jan — new BAN TROLLS DAY ???



  4. The comment above saying that I am Taran is an imposter. I have NEVER used a pseudonym. I only comment under my own name.

    I have NEVER been dishonest on this site and I have not had difficult times, financially or otherwise.

  5. I forgot to insert a word in my previous comment. The first sentence should read,

    “The comment above saying that I am Taran is from an imposter”.

    It would be helpful if we could edit our comments. Most of the time I only see my spelling or grammar errors after my comment has been posted.

  6. Pointing out that an imposter is commenting under my name is not backpedaling.

    You can be sure that an imposter is using my name if that person says that I

    1: Have apologized for any previous comment

    2: Voted for Donald Trump

    3: Ever commented under a pseudonym

    4: Converted to Christianity

    5: Had any financial problems

    6: Been fired or reprimanded at my job

    Now you can easily spot false comments from my imposter.

  7. It will take a lot more than a day to recover from the Beijing Biden Harris Quisling puppet dictatorship.

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