Former Governor Jesse Ventura (who was elected in 1998 in Minnesota on the Reform Party ticket) has just issued this statement: “Dear California Voters, I hope California voters defeat Prop. 62 on November 2. This proposition would mandate that all … Continue reading
A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that it would not grant presidential candidate Ralph Nader an injunction to block a lower court’s order that removed him from the Ohio ballot. Nader still has a chance to get on the ballot … Continue reading
This afternoon California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed Prop. 62. Prop. 62 provides that all candidates for congress and state office run on a single ballot in June. Then, only the top two vote-getters can ever appear on the November ballot. … Continue reading
The world has always learned from America’s example. These days we are not setting a very good one. Now Putin is learning from the US! The Kremlin has announced a new crackdown on small parties. Currently, parties must get 100 … Continue reading
Today Ballot Access News goes interactive! All news items are now available for your comments and replies, which will be posted with each item. Write the Webmaster for assistance or with any questions. … Continue reading