New Mexico defines a qualified party as a group that polls .5% for president or Governor. Unofficial returns show the Green Party has .494% for President, 53 votes short. But that may change when the results are final. The other … Continue reading
Richard Winger
The Constitution Party gained qualified status in West Virginia by polling over 1% of the gubernatorial vote. The Libertarian and Green Parties also polled over 1% of the gubernatorial vote, so now West Virginia has five qualified parties, the most … Continue reading
Both Maine and Nebraska have elected presidential electors from both parties. In Maine there will be three Democratic presidential electors and one Republican elector. In Nebraska there will be four Republican electors and one Democratic elector. This is because both … Continue reading
The voters of the District of Columbia approved an initiative to use ranked choice voting in future primaries and general elections. But voters in Oregon defeated a similar measure. In Missouri, the voters approved a ballot measure put on the … Continue reading
Initiatives to eliminate the ability of political parties to nominate candidates have been defeated in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and South Dakota. The Alaska vote on whether to repeal top-four is still too close to call. … Continue reading