Joe Cobb was a write-in candidate in the Libertarian Party primary for US House, in Arizona’s 7th district, on September 12. No names appeared on that primary ballot for that office. Under the law, Cobb needed write-ins equal to one-half … Continue reading
Richard Winger
Three statewide minor party or independent petitions that seem to lack the required 15,000 signatures were submitted in New York this year. The petitions of the Right to Life and Voice of People groups have already been rejected. The New … Continue reading
The challenge process for the Pennsylvania Green Party statewide petition is finally over. The tally is 58,139 valid signatures. This is more valid signatures than any other minor party or independent candidate collected anywhere in the U.S. this year, except … Continue reading
On September 11, a lower state court in Nebraska ruled that if a party holds a primary for a particular office and no one runs in it, later that same party can nominate someone by convention. The Democratic Party won … Continue reading
For the first time in decades, fusion will occur this year between a major party and a minor party in Delaware. Barbara Lifflander, a member of the Independent Party, won the Democratic primary for State Representative, District 41. Therefore, she … Continue reading