Harris Interactive recently released a poll asking, “If the election of Congress were being held today, would you be voting for the Republican candidate or the Democratic candidate?” The responses were: Democratic 44%, Republican 31%, “other” 17%, undecided 8%. The … Continue reading
Richard Winger
On July 28, a lawsuit was filed to overturn California election code section 8605, which makes it extremely difficult for parties to nominate candidates by write-ins in their own primaries. Sonoma County Republican Central Committee & Raylene Wiesner v McPherson. … Continue reading
Ohio law permits candidates who get on the November ballot by petition to choose one of two labels, “other-party candidate” or “no-party candidate”. This law, passed in 2002, was opposed by the Secretary of State. Since then, the Secretary of … Continue reading
On July 27, New York Supreme Court Judge Emily Goodman held a trial in McKay v Mandell, 109502-2006. The issue is whether the state leadership of the New York Independence Party may expel 94 of its members, on the grounds … Continue reading
Charles Morrison, an independent candidate for US House in Ohio this year, filed a federal lawsuit to get on the November ballot on July 26. Morrison v Colley, 2:06-cv-644. The candidate had enough valid signatures to be on the ballot, … Continue reading