On April 21, 2006, the 6th circuit had ruled 2-1 that Ohio could no longer use punchcard ballots, since having punchcards in some counties and not other counties would violate Bush v Gore, which mandated equal treatment for all voters … Continue reading
Richard Winger
On July 21, the New Hampshire Supreme Court heard oral argument in Libertarian Party and Constitution Party v State of New Hampshire, no. 2005-0606. The case challenges the New Hampshire definition of “political party”. That definition was a group that … Continue reading
On July 20, Ben Brandon, chairman of the Dade County, Georgia, County Commission, said he is switching from the Libertarian Party to the Republican Party. He had been elected as a Libertarian in 2004. County Commissioner is a partisan office, … Continue reading
North Carolina’s H88 passed the Senate on July 20. See several postings below for a description of why this bill is nothing to cheer about; it makes some things better but others worse.
On July 20, the Senate passed HR 9, the extension of the federal voting rights act. The vote was unanimous. The bill had already passed the House. … Continue reading