On July 20, a mid-level New York state court ruled unconstitutional a law that makes it illegal for one political party to spend any money in support of a candidate who is running in another party’s primary. In this case, … Continue reading
Richard Winger
On July 17, a Virginia lower court ruled that nothing in the Virginia Constitution requires shopping centers to let petitioners onto their property. The candidate-plaintiff is appealing to the Virginia Supreme Court. Collins v Shoppers World, CL05-10518. … Continue reading
Minnesota has three qualified parties, Democrat-Farmer-Labor, Republican, and Independence. In addition, these unqualified parties have petitioned to place statewide nominees on this year’s ballot: Green, Libertarian and Constitution. There is also an independent candidate for Governor, Leslie Davis, who chose … Continue reading
On July 20, John Wayne Smith qualified for the Florida ballot as a gubernatorial candidate. He is a Libertarian, but since the Libertarian Party of Florida decided to run no one for this office, Smith qualified as an independent candidate. … Continue reading
Max Linn, Reform Party candidate for Governor of Florida, filed on July 20. He is the first political party nominee for Governor of Florida (other than Democrats and Republicans) on the ballot since 1920. In 1920, the gubernatorial race included … Continue reading