On July 11, the Summit County, Ohio District Attorney ruled that ballots are a public record. Therefore, declared write-in candidates who were told they got zero write-ins, are free to examine the ballots in their district, to see if elections … Continue reading
Richard Winger
On July 3, a state district court in Oklahoma upheld that state’s ballot access laws for new and minor political parties. Judge Bryon Dixon issued a one-sentence opinion, saying that since a federal court in 1988 had upheld that law, … Continue reading
The Oregon initiative to limit the general election ballot to only two choices submitted 93,154 signatures on July 7, the deadline for Oregon initiatives to qualify. 75,630 valid signatures are required. The campaign for the initiative scrupulously eliminated all duplicate … Continue reading
On July 11, the Davis (California) city council voted 3-2 to put an advisory question on the November ballot. The Davis voters will be asked to vote on whether they desire Instant-Runoff Voting for City Council elections. Davis is best … Continue reading
On June 11, the ACLU Voting Rights office sued New Mexico over the law that requires qualified minor parties to submit separate petitions for each of their nominees. Libertarian Party of New Mexico v Vigil-Giron, 06-615. The case was assigned … Continue reading