On June 14, Missouri’s Governor signed SB 1014, which eliminates the straight-ticket device on general election ballots. Straight-ticket devices definitely injure independent candidates, and probably injure minor parties. Fourteen other states still have them.
Richard Winger
The Louisiana legislature’s last day will be Monday, June 19. Pending are two important election law bills. SB 18 (which has passed the Senate and the House Committees) would convert the congressional elections to closed primaries. HB 927 (which has … Continue reading
The Workers World Party and its newspaper, Workers World, was sued for defamation a few months ago. The party’s newspaper had run an article on February 23, 2006, titled “WCI Steel Bankruptcy Robs Workers’ Pensions”. The article explained that Renco … Continue reading
Pennsylvania Representative Paul Clymer expects to introduce a bill on June 14, which would retain the existing number of signatures needed for minor party and independent candidates, but cap the statewide total at 45,000. The aim is to have the … Continue reading
On June 5, the Working Families Party turned in 20,000 signatures to the Oregon Secretary of State, so as to qualify as a political party. The state requires 18,381, so there probably aren’t enough valid signatures yet. But the state … Continue reading