Reuters did some research with voters who had been backing Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and finds that Kennedy’s endorsement of Donald Trump is winning votes for Trump. Although the Reuters research was small, the article also summarizes other evidence to … Continue reading
Richard Winger
On September 20, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. asked the Sixth Circuit to remove his name from the Michigan ballot. Kennedy v Benson, 24-1799. He argues that when the Michigan state courts said he could not withdraw, at the time he … Continue reading
Former football coach Robby Wells is on the ballot for two different offices this year. He is an independent candidate for U.S. House in Virginia, and he is also the presidential nominee of the Party Party, which successfully petitioned this … Continue reading
Dennis J. Kucinich is a former Democratic member of the U.S. House who is running this year as an independent candidate for the Seventh District, comprising western Cleveland and some neighbor counties. On September 11, the Cleveland Plain Dealer endorsed … Continue reading
California law lets 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds fill out a voter registration form, which is activated when the individual turns age 18. On September 26, the Secretary of State released a registration tally for these pre-registered voters. Their partisan affiliation is: … Continue reading