National Totals for Each Party for U.S. Senate, 2020

The national vote for each party, for the regularly-scheduled U.S. Senate elections of 2020, appears to be: Republican 40,068,431 Democratic 38,103,518 Libertarian 1,454,128 Green 298,927 Willie Wilson Party 237,699 Legal Marijuana Now 190,154 Constitution 161,448 Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis 57,174 Alaskan Independence … Continue reading

Minnesota’s Marijuana Parties Easily Had the Strongest Showing of Any Third Parties in 2020 U.S. House Races

Minnesota has four ballot-qualified parties:  the two major parties, the Legal Marijuana Now Party, and the Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis Party.  Minnesota has eight U.S. House seats.  In six districts, one or the other of the marijuana parties had a nominee.  Treating … Continue reading