Here is his commentary from … Continue reading
Bill Redpath
Here is one story. Here is another. UPDATE: this story says former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan recently stepped down as a leader of No Labels, which suggests to the reporter who wrote the story that Hogan may also be considering … Continue reading
On Monday, January 8, 2024, US District Court Judge Donald Nugent (Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division) ruled that Ohio’s voter identification laws do not severely burden Ohio’s voters and upheld their constitutionality. Here is Judge Nugent’s opinion. … Continue reading
Here is a story from the Associated Press. Thanks to Here is another story on this matter. … Continue reading
Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft (R) has threatened to give Joe Biden the heave-ho from the Missouri ballot as retribution for the decisions of the Colorado Supreme Court and the Maine Secretary of State to remove Donald Trump from … Continue reading