The author of this paper is Kevin Kosar. Conservatives have been generally hostile to electoral reforms, usually positioning them as efforts by “the left” to bias election results in their favor. Republicans have succeeded in banning Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) … Continue reading
Bill Redpath
My fellow editor, the great Richard Winger, has previously documented the 1948 presidential election vote analysis that indicates that the presence in the race of Henry Wallace of the Progressive Party helped, rather than hurt, the candidacy of Harry S … Continue reading
The data for this survey was gathered between September 1 and September 23, 2023. I would lay money that the pro-third party percentage would be even higher today, after removal of Kevin McCarthy as US House Speaker yesterday. … Continue reading
Here is a column by William Galston that is in favor of the adoption of fusion voting by more states. … Continue reading
Here is a tweet on this poll from Echelon Insights. Thanks to Clifford Thies for the heads up! … Continue reading