This story states that only 10% of Americans think democracy in the United States is working “very or extremely well.” This is further evidence that the American public is open to electoral reform. On a personal note, I marched in a … Continue reading
Bill Redpath
Here is an article from Axios: … Continue reading
The Libertarian Party Ballot Access Committee held a meeting on the evening of Tuesday, July 11, 2023. The LP currently has presidential ticket ballot access in 34 states and is seeking to place its 2024 presidential ticket on the ballot … Continue reading
The Hill published the following article about Cornel West’s candidacy: Unfortunately, the article does not address how alternative voting systems could fix this perceived problem. … Continue reading
Here is a link to a recent article from The Atlantic on proportional representation for the US House, of which Lee Drutman of the New America Foundation is an advocate, and the different ideas of other reformers: Here is … Continue reading