On February 15, the Hawaii Senate Judiciary and Government Operations Committee passed SB 223 unanimously. As amended, the bill makes it much easier for a political party to exclude candidates from running in that party’s primary. Current law says that … Continue reading
Category Archives: General
On February 19, the Montana House State Administration Committee heard HB 436, which would establish a top-two system for all partisan office except President. No one testified for it except a state legislator. Four Libertarians testified against the bill, as … Continue reading
On February 19, the Virginia House passed SB 690, which cuts the number of signatures for all presidential petitions (both presidential primary, and general election petitions) from 10,000 signatures to 5,000 signatures. The bill had already passed the Senate, so … Continue reading
Late in 2012, the South Carolina Elections Commission removed the Americans Elect Party from its list of qualified parties, because the party never held the required meetings to elect state party officers.
The U.S. Solicitor General has now received two extensions of time in which to respond to Initiative & Referendum Institute v U.S. Postal Service, 12-722, the case over whether individuals standing on an interior post office sidewalk may sign a … Continue reading