On May 6, the Republican National Committee, a co-plaintiff in McCutcheon v Federal Election Commission, 12-536, filed its opening brief. The argument itself is 60 pages long. It says that while there is a good reason for base contribution limits, … Continue reading
Category Archives: General
The South Carolina Election Commission has semi-official election returns on its web page. The percentages for each party are: Republican 54.04%; Democratic 41.86%; Working Families Party 3.35%; Green .48%. UPDATE: here is a picture of the ballot, courtesy of The … Continue reading
On May 7, the California Assembly Elections Committee passed ACA 9 and AB 141 by a vote of 5-1. This proposed state constitutional amendment, and statute, would provide that if a write-in candidate for Congress or partisan state office places … Continue reading
North Carolina HB 794, the ballot access improvement bill, has a hearing on Wednesday, May 8, at 1 p.m., in the House Elections Committee.
On May 6, the Maine Joint State and Local Government Committee held a hearing on LD 1309, which greatly increases the amount of public funding that candidates for state office can potentially receive. The Committee will probably approve the bill … Continue reading