On May 1, Nebraska LB 349 passed the legislature unanimously. It is an omnibus election law bill. Among other provisions, it repeals the law that says if a voter votes in a presidential primary, he or she can’t sign for … Continue reading
Category Archives: General
On April 30, the three candidates on the ballot for U.S. House, South Carolina First District, debated each other. However, the debate was not televised. It was sponsored by the NAACP of Goose Creek, and was held the evening of … Continue reading
Virgil Goode, Constitution Party presidential nominee in 2012, is one of two co-plaintiffs in a case now pending in the Alabama Supreme Court that says the Alabama Secretary of State has a duty to examine the qualifications of presidential candidates … Continue reading
On May 1, the Sixth Circuit issued a brief opinion, saying the U.S. District Court in Michigan was correct when it kept Gary Johnson, or any other Libertarian Party presidential candidate, off the ballot in November 2012. The part of … Continue reading
North Carolina Representative Mark Brody (R-Matthews) has introduced HB 752, to let independent candidates be called “independent” on the ballot, instead of “unaffiliated.” The bill also says if an independent candidate gets on the ballot, if he or she then … Continue reading