In 2000, the Reform Party received $2,522,690 from the U.S. government to pay for its national presidential convention. It was entitled to this money because it had polled over 5% for president in 1996. In 2002, the Federal Election Commission … Continue reading
Category Archives: General
The law firm Olson, Hagel & Fishburn has agreed to handle the appeal in Lee v Illinois State Bd. of Elections, in the 7th circuit. The Lee case challenges Illiniois law that says independent candidates for the legislature must submit … Continue reading
An excellent initiative seems likely to have qualified in Massachusetts. It would legalize “fusion” (the practice of letting two parties jointly nominate the same candidate). Also, it would make it substantially easier for a party to remain qualified. The initiative … Continue reading
The Green Party won 12 partisan elections on November 8, 2005, for these offices: in Pennsylvania, Mayor of Boswell; Boro Council in Arendtsville; Township Auditor in Union Twp., Adams Co.; Boro Council in West Reading; Boro Council in Union Twp., … Continue reading
The latest issue of the Fordham Urban Law Journal contains an article by Richard Winger on the federal court ballot access cases filed by Ralph Nader last year. A copy of the article is being sent to all subscribers to … Continue reading