On June 3, Minnesota’s Governor signed HF 1481, which provides a third means for a party to obtain or keep “qualified status”.
Category Archives: General
The veto of Colorado HB 1147 (the bill liberalizing the rules on who can be a petition circulator) has revived a pending lawsuit in federal court, Koehler v Davidson, 04B-1377. The lawsuit challenges Colorado law that won’t let anyone circulate … Continue reading
HR 1316, a campaign finance bill, passed the US House Administration Committee on June 8. It is co-sponsored by Rep. Mike Pence (R-Indiana) and Rep. Albert Wynn (D-Maryland). It will probably receive a vote in the full House in July. … Continue reading
On June 9, the US Court of Appeals, 1st circuit (Boston) will hear Laffey v Begin, 05-1750. The issue is whether state and federal campaign laws can be used to force a public official to give up his talk radio … Continue reading
On June 7, the Louisiana House Governmental Affairs Committee passed SB 53, but in a drastically different form. SB 53 in its latest incarnation changes the state’s congressional elections to a semi-closed primary system, a big change from the current … Continue reading