According to this story in the New York Post, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, once a generous patron of both the statewide Independence Party, and the New York city Republican Party, doesn’t plan to give those parties any more contributions. Bloomberg is … Continue reading
Category Archives: General
On April 4, U.S. District Court Judge Laura Taylor Swain struck down one provision of New York city’s public funding program. Here is the 23-page opinion in Ognibene v Parkes, southern district, 08-cv-1335. The unconstitutional provision provided that when a … Continue reading
A trial was held in Harris v Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission March 25-29. This is the case brought by Arizona Republicans that argues the Independent Redistricting Commission improperly favored Democrats over Republicans when it drew the legislative district boundaries, following … Continue reading
Alabama has always had open primaries. Alabama voter registration forms have never asked voters to choose a party. On April 4, three Republican State Senators introduced SB 405, which would provide that the voter registration form should ask voters if … Continue reading
On March 19, the Ninth Circuit determined that it will hear Raymond v Fenumiai, 13-35090. The Ninth Circuit determined the case is not appropriate for mediation. The issue is Alaska’s ban on out-of-state circulators for initiative petitions. The U.S. District … Continue reading