In the 1980 presidential election, independent candidate John B. Anderson, who got on the ballot in all 51 ballots, had only been certified for the ballot in four states as of July 1, 1980. This information is from an AP story, dated July 1, located by historian Darcy Richardson. The states were New Jersey, Utah, Kansas, and North Carolina. Furthermore, after he was certified in North Carolina, the Democratic Party sued to remove him, and although Anderson won that lawsuit, as of July 1 he was therefore not absolutely on the ballot in North Carolina either.
On September 9, 1980, the League of Women Voters, which was sponsoring the general election debates, invited him into the September 21 debate, because he met their polling requirement of 15%. The League also required him to be on the ballot in states containing a majority of electoral votes, but the League accepted states in which the petition had been submitted; it did not insist on waiting for certification.