Final Tally:
Chase Oliver: 497 60.61%
Write-ins: 23 2.80%
None of the Above 300 36.59%
Final Tally:
Chase Oliver: 497 60.61%
Write-ins: 23 2.80%
None of the Above 300 36.59%
Chase Oliver: 423 49.53%
Michael Rectenwald 382 44.73%
None of the Above 44 5.15%
Write-ins 5 0.60%
There will now be a seventh ballot with Chase Oliver and None of the Above.
Update: Chase Oliver has offered Mike Ter Maat the Vice-Presidential spot and Ter Maat has accepted.
Michael Rectenwald: 334
Chase Oliver: 286
Mike Ter Maat: 225
Michael Rectenwald: 335
Chase Oliver: 231
Mike Ter Maat: 175
Lars Mapstead: 139
Michael Rectenwald: 319
Chase Oliver: 230
Mike Ter Maat: 165
Lars Mapstead: 137
Joshua Smith: 45