Vox Misinforms its Readers About Michigan’s Sore Loser Law

Vox has this story, saying that Donald Trump could not run in Michigan outside the major parties in November if he had first been on the Michigan presidential primary ballot. The story is incorrect. Michigan does not bar independent presidential candidates from the November ballot because they ran in a presidential primary.

The Michigan sore loser law says, “168.695. No person whose name was printed or placed on the primary ballots or voting machines as a candidate for nomination on the primary ballots of one political party shall be eligible as a candidate of any other political party at the election following that primary.” The law has no application to candidates who seek to use the independent presidential procedure.

Donald Trump Says He is Unlikely to Pledge Loyalty to Republican Party in the Near Future

On August 10, ABC News broadcast this story, saying a senior advisor to Donald Trump has said that Trump is considering soon making a pledge that he will not run for President outside the Republican Party. The story also says he will this week put out position papers on immigration and trade and that he is about to start campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire.

But, later on August 10, Trump himself said he is not inclined to make that promise at this time. See this story. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for that link.

New York Times Mentions that Gary Johnson was on Ballot in 48 States in 2012

The New York Times has a story on Donald Trump’s past political activity involving presidential elections. It mentions that Gary Johnson was on the ballot in 48 states in November 2012. Many otherwise well-informed politics reporters in recent weeks have told me that they had no idea the Libertarian nominee was on the ballot in that many states. Some of them didn’t even know that Ross Perot and John Anderson were also on the ballot in all states. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.