Proportional Representation Enters the “Fix California Challenge” Contest

A California non-profit 501(c)(3) organization called “Innovate Your State” has set up a “Fix California Challenge”, in which California voters are able to read about, comment upon, and vote for, ideas to improve California government. One of the proposals is to elect at least one house of the California legislature using proportional representation. Steve Chessin, president of Californians for Electoral Reform, wrote the proposal, which can be read here.

Californians who register with “Innovate Your State” can vote on this proposal, or any proposal. After one is signed up, large arrows appear above and below the vote tally. A vote is cast by clicking on one of the arrows. The proposal went up on July 1 and so far it has five “yes” votes.

Jill Stein Already Working on Qualifying for Primary Season Matching Funds

Jill Stein, the Green Party nominee for president in 2012, received primary season matching funds on August 28, 2012. The funds were helpful to Green Party ballot access costs and other campaign expenses, but they would have been more helpful if they had arrived earlier.

This year, Stein is already working to qualify. If she raises $5,000 from each of 20 states, soon enough, she could potentially receive federal matching funds on January 1, 2016. So far she has already received enough contributions from California, and is over halfway for Washington, New York, and Massachusetts.

South Dakota Newspaper Story about Successful Referendum Petition Aimed at Bad Ballot Access Law

The Argus Leader of Sioux Falls, the largest newspaper in South Dakota, has this story about the referendum drive that attacks SB 69. SB 69, signed into law earlier this year, made restrictive changes for ballot access. As a result of the referendum petition’s success, the law won’t be in effect in 2016 and voters will decide whether to repeal it.