Indiana House Passes Bill Repealing Straight-Ticket Device

On Febraury 17, the Indiana House passed HB 1008. Among other things, it repeals the straight-ticket device. The vote was 59-35. All Democrats who voted, voted “No.” In addition, 8 Republicans voted “No”, but the bill still passed because Republicans have such a numerical advantage in the chamber.

The eight Republicans who voted “no” are: Randall Frye, Richard Hamm, Daniel Leonard, Jim Lucas, Peggy Mayfield, Jud McMillin, Rhonda Rhoads, and Thomas Saunders.

U.S. Supreme Court Hears Arizona State Legislature v Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission

On March 2, the U.S. Supreme Court heard Arizona State Legislature v Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, 13-1314. Here is the Scotusblog analysis of how the argument went. The issue is whether Article One of the U.S. Constitution allows states to let governmental bodies other than the state legislature to draw U.S. House district boundaries. Here is the transcript of the hearing.

U.S. Supreme Court Won’t Hear ProtectMarriage.Com v Padilla

On March 2, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear ProtectMarriage.Com v Padilla, 14-434. This California case raised the question of whether proponents of a particular ballot initiative deserve to keep the names and addresses of their contributors secret. The initiative banned same-sex marriage. The proponents had evidence that individuals known to have supported that ballot measure were subject to harassment. Back in 1982, the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled that the Socialist Workers Party was entitled to such protection against disclosure.