Atlanta Journal-Constitution Covers Libertarian Legislative Candidate’s Ballot Access Lawsuit

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has this article about Jeff Amason’s ballot access lawsuit. Amason collected the signatures of 5% of his legislative district’s voters, so as to be listed as the Libertarian nominee for State House, 21st district. But he still was kept off the ballot because his wife, who notarized most of his petition sheets, also circulated a few sheets herself (although she did not notarize the sheets she circulated).

Opponents of Oregon Top-Two Initiative Set Up Webpage

Opponents of Oregon’s Measure 90, the top-two system initiative, have established this web page.

This newspaper story says that former New York city Mayor Michael Bloomberg will probably contribute a substantial sum of money to assist the campaign in favor of the top-two system. The story mentions that Bloomberg’s emissary to Oregon for this purpose was Bradley Tusk. Tusk formerly worked for U.S. Senator Charles Schumer, who had an op-ed praising top-two systems in the New York Times last month.

Blue Oregon has this commentary on Measure 90, by Carla Hanson. Thanks to Blair Bobier for the link to the story about Mayor Bloomberg.