Index to Past Voter Registration Charts in Print Issues of Ballot Access News

At the request of a reader, here are the print issues of Ballot Access News that have contained charts, showing how many registered voters there are in each party (by state):

February 8, 1993
December 15, 1994
December 12, 1996
December 8, 1998
December 5, 2000
December 1, 2002
February 1, 2004
December 1, 2004
January 1, 2007
March 1, 2008
December 1, 2008
December 1, 2010
February 1, 2012
December 1, 2012
April 1, 2014

Thanks to Marc Montoni for the idea. BAN has never run such charts in an odd year, because there are too many states that won’t provide such data in odd years. It’s a struggle to get it from some states, even in even years.

SuperPAC Formed to Work for Public Funding of Congressional Campaigns Will Announce Spending Plans on July 21

Mayday, the SuperPAC formed by Lawrence Lessig to work for public funding of congressional campaigns, will announce how it will spend its resources this year on July 21. Mayday has raised $12,000,000, and it will spend the money this year on independent expenditures on behalf of five congressional candidates who will pledge to work for a public funding bill in Congress in 2015.

This Washington Post article
mentions some of the wealthy individuals who have contributed to Mayday. It is notable that Peter Thiel, who is considered to be libertarian in his views, and who has supported Ron Paul, is among those who is contributing to Mayday.

The 2014 spending will only be on behalf of Democratic and/or Republican candidates for Congress. Thanks to the Center for Competitive Politics for the link.

Chris McDaniel Wins Court Order to Examine Poll Books in Jackson County, Mississippi

On July 15, Chris McDaniel won a Mississippi lower state court order to see the poll books in Jackson County. McDaniel is trying to show that the number of voters who voted in the Democratic primary of June 3, and then voted in the Republican run-off primary on June 24, exceeds the number of votes by which McDaniel lost the run-off primary. See this story. Jackson County contains Pascagoula. It is the fifth most populous county in the state.

UPDATE: see this July 16 story about McDaniel’s plans to challenge the results as soon as he finishes gathering evidence.

Two Independent Candidates for Congress Report Relatively Strong Contributions

The Federal Election Committee requires candidate for Congress to file reports this month, showing how much they have raised and spent during the first six months of the year. The current reports for two independent candidates show fairly substantial levels of contributions. Nick Troiano, running in Pennsylvania’s 10th district, has raised $85,408. Former U.S. Senator Larry Pressler, running for his old seat as an independent in South Dakota, has raised $72,656.